Saturday, 8 October 2011

Weds 5th Oct. Drive to Wellington.

Today we headed south to meet up with family in Wellington. It is 30 years since I have seen Megan, my niece and now she has a family of her own. My other niece Emma has been to the UK so it’s not so long since I met up with her. On the way we had to stop of course for cake but not any old cake this was special. We pulled up to this café which didn’t seem any different to others we’d used.

 But this is the cake!
 There were some strange characters in town today could this be three of Tindall's dwarfs?
 Another stop on our 4 hour journey was the Tui brewery.
 Inside the café we spotted this door, perfect for students .

And this customised hand basin
Tui is famous for it's advertising posters, heres a couple.

 You could even make your own up on a special board.
 Here’s ours

 They also boast some rather special Tui girls

Once refreshed, a beer did the trick, we carried on to Wellington.

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