Friday, 16 September 2011

All aboard Tues 13th Sept

Today the sun is shining so we thought we would take the Taieri Gorge train tour. The railway station at Dunedin is spectacular. A very large, grey and white building with a stunning interior.

After we got our tickets we had an hour to spare so we did the Sports Hall of Fame. I managed to recognise some of the famous Kiwi sportsmen including the World Squash Champion Ross Norman who we saw play in 1986 at the Stockton Race course Squash club. In fact we named our son after him.  Lucky that it wasn’t Jahingar Khan as I don’t think that suits…..  Jahingar Taylor….. no doesn’t sound right.
The train journey was stunning, climbing through the gorge the weather clouded over and when we stopped for photos at Hindon it was chilly.
This sculpture was dedicated to all the sheep dogs who have worked in the gorge rounding up the sheep and cattle.
By the time we got to our journey’s end at Pukerangi there was a positively freezing wind. There was snow on the hills so it was a quick look around at the views and back on the train for a lovely warm trip back to Dunedin.
This was lovely way to spend the day even if it was cold.
Don’t know where we are going tomorrow so call back and see where we end up.
Ps forgot to mention the chocolate cake on the train……devine!


  1. Love train rides!...............knew there had to be cake somewhere!

  2. Another hectic week! the view looks stunning. Have fun!


Thanks for joining us on our tour. Feel free to leave a comment or message.